So Jill and I have been so busy lately that today I ran out of jeans to wear. Since this whole 30 diet thing started, I haven't given much thought to how loose my clothes have been on me. For those of you who know me best, you know that I am not a slave to fashion. This morning, having a little bit of time to kill before I left for a morning meeting I climbed into one of my storage areas and grabbed some clothes from a few years ago. I was thinking that I may have something not horribly small that I might fit into.
The first shirt and pair of jeans I grabbed fit. And they fit well. Goldilocks well. Chalk another project that I have to do on the board, now its time to pull out my skinny clothes and see what fits. There goes a day. Good thing my fashion hasn't changed in two decades.
I have not been on the diet formally for about two weeks but I am still eating as if I was. For those times that I have strayed there have been some interesting results. It seems beer tastes way better and if it is top shelf, microbrew stuff there seems to be no repercussions. McDonald's is another story. Wow is that poison. I had to eat it due to convenience for a couple of days in a row and I got some sensitive skin under my wedding ring and on my legs. After a couple of days of lots of water and eating back on the plan, it is clearing up. Gonna need to make sure I pack lunch more often.
My summer is starting and diving will become more of a weekly thing so I may not have to start formall exercise just yet. I have been keeping track of the stuff I eat (something you are not supposed to do on the plan) to see if there are changes like the one above that I can avoid. I have been delving into those foods that I put away on the diet the first time to see if there are things I wouldn't be sensitive to. Some things are fine. Others, not so much. Its funny that Beer is ok but bread is not. Cheese is really bad. I am scared to try chili again. Other stuff I wake up the next day like coming off of a three day, tropical island, where-all-I drink-is-rum kind of bender. Those mornings aren't all that much fun.
I am a coffee connoisseur now, or at least I am becoming one. Hard to believe since I only drink it black. whodathunkit?
I have created a couple of recipes that have moderate success and I love some of the spices that I am working with.
I am going to be going through my pantry again soon with a different motivation. Time to donate the stuff (poisons) that I know I won't ever eat again.
I am now down three pant sizes, and one shirt size since this whole thing started. I have more energy that I thought possible. (the coffee probably helps) I have a fantastic outlook on life.
If you are not satisfied with how you feel you should really try doing this program. Its free and I am not a paid spokesman, just someone who tried it.
I have talked with a lot of friends about the program, they ask about it, I tell them about it and it usually ends with "oh I don't think I could ever give up (fill in the blank here)" Or "I couldn't live without (fill in the blank here)" Personally, I thought the very same thing. Knowing what I know now and how I feel now, I wish I could go back and prevent all the damage I may have caused myself with the borderline high blood pressure, insecurities and pessimism.
Its only 30 days. One month. If you have made it through reading this blog I know you could give up anything for 30 days.
If you need motivation I am here for you.
And I will have a beer with you on Day 31.
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